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  • Are you thinking about the altitudes of AI when designing for AI? 

Are you thinking about the altitudes of AI when designing for AI? 

How prominent or ambient do you want the presence of AI in your applications. It has 4 levels: Immersive...

Hello from the beyond! This is Voyager, the only designers-aboard spaceflight navigating you through the AI-UX universe.

We’re like the fine wine of AI x Design. We’re classy, warming, and always getting better with age.

On today’s menu, we have —

  • 🧐 The Altitudes of AI

  • 🔮 AIverse updates

  • 😲 Is voice the new UI?

  • 🤣 Meme Funny findings of the day

I had a dream an epiphany.

It’s been 2-3 months since I’ve been trying out different AI-infused applications and subconsciously observing how they have integrated AI into their user experience (you can find ALL the AI-UX Interactions on the aiverse.design browse library).

And I noticed a pattern.

The Altitudes of AI

‘Altitude’ of AI refers to the level at which an AI feature is interacting with the user, resulting in different user experiences. It’s not a common concept, you heard it here, on the Voyager, first!

In other words, it is the presence of AI in your applications. How prominently do you want the machine-smartness to be reflected to the user? How into-the-background or ambient do you want the infusion of AI?

If I were to take it a step further, all of the applications (+ experiences, considering that the future won’t be limited to singular apps) can be mapped on a 2D plane of multiplayer-ness vs interoperability-ness. 

  • Multiplayer-ness: How many human beings can be involved in the experience simultaneously?

    • Example: Figma ranges from single-player to multiplayer while Adobe After Effects is a single-player application.

  • Interoperability-ness: the ability for two or more systems to work together seamlessly.

    • Example: Being able to collaborate on the presenter’s screen while screen-sharing on Skype. Or an AI agent being able to order your groceries (through Deliveroo) based on your week’s food nutrition req. and fitness goal.

    • Interoperability is paramount and leads to a reduction in screen time as the AI does most of the heavy lifting.

The presence of AI is then the 3rd dimension (the visual below is an adaptation of RM’s Multiplayer Internet visual but for AI-UX).

The altitudes of AI visual — created by the author

For today, we’re diving into the 3rd dimension.

There are 4 levels of presence of AI (in your life)

  • Level 1 - The Immersive Nature

  • Level 2 - The Assistive Nature

  • Level 3 - The Invisible Nature

  • Level 4 - The Ambient Nature

Let’s get into it.

Level 1 — The Immersive Nature of AI

a sketch of common immersive AI-UX patterns currently

It’s kind of like Z-index: 1000; (for anyone familiar with CSS).

The basic use of AI for users is when it’s fully immersing the user in its capabilities.


  • Direct interaction with the user.

  • It’s immersive in nature.

  • Conversational UI (conversing to get the answer instead of searching yourself) is a type of fully immersive nature of AI.

    • It’s how we got introduced to AI and its potential.

    • I like to look at it as a way to access AI. Conversational UX is one way of accessing AI’s capabilities, but what are some other ways? (something I like to ponder upon as I sit in the toilet every morning)

  • It’s a standalone application.

  • Examples — ChatGPT, Inflection’s Pi, Bing chat, New Computer.

But the future isn’t just Conversational UX.

Tweet stating conversational UX is a way for us to access AI

Level 2 — The Assistive Nature of AI

a sketch of common assistive AI-UX patterns currently

How do non-AI applications like Notion and Canva use AI?

The first step for all existing applications is to introduce assistive AI features for the users.


  • Interacts with the user when the user wants.

  • Accessible to the user at all times.

  • It’s assistive in nature.

  • Side panel, and embedded pop-ups are a type of assistive AI.

  • Examples — Microsoft co-pilot, Notion Q&A.

Honestly, I loved the Notion Q&A feature so much! It’s accessible at different levels of user interaction and solves an imp. problem for the user.

Notion Q&A feature accessible from the desktop or any app

Notion Q&A feature accessible within each page

Level 3 — The Invisible Nature of AI

a sketch of common invisible AI-UX patterns currently

We’re not just creating interfaces, we’re crafting experiences.

And more and more of them will be invisible going forward.


  • No interaction with the user.

  • It’s working in the background to provide the best user experience.

  • Dynamic interfaces are a type of invisible nature of AI.

Invisible can be various types —

  • Adaptive - like how Netflix has a dynamic interface that is designed in the moment and specific to each user. (read more)

  • Predictive - like when composing an email on Gmail, it suggests what I’m going to type based on what I’ve written.

  • Invisible - like Airbnb prices properties based on what I’m looking for (read more).

    • Person A (looking for cheap places) vs Person B (looking for sea-side view houses, no price cap), both may see the same house but with different pricing (person A’s would be cheaper than person B’s).

Okay okay, I waited 1300 words to FINALLY share this wild learning with you!

The best example of the invisible nature of AI (and future of AI?)


Bill Gates mentioned this as the future of computer-human interaction.

  • My guess is AI agents are a step into the invisible AI experience using gen-AI.

  • They are proactive.

  • They have the context of your digital AND physical world. They know when to step in.

  • "Clippy was a bot, not an agent“

  • “Clippy has as much in common with agents as a rotary phone has with a mobile device.”

"If your friend just had surgery, your agent will offer to send flowers and be able to order them for you."

Bill Gates on the future of AI agents

Level 4 — The Ambient Nature of AI

a sketch of common ambient AI-UX patterns currently

Things are going to get so much more interesting!!! (not enough exclamations, not even kidding).


  • To be defined…

It is the ultimate future of AI-UX interactions.

Because after this it’s AGI taking over and us going back to the forests, probably hunting *insert i’m-fine-fire-all-around meme*

What does it look like though?

  • AI seamlessly merged into your everyday physical background.

  • All experiences are controlled by AI agents. Each agent controls multiple applications.

  • Interactions are yet to be defined, but will voice be the new UI? (more on this below)

  • Examples - Google Nest’s Thermostat, Amazon’s Echo dot.

These are simpler examples, in our world for some time. But it’s getting better, oh yes it is baby!

Integration of AI into physical products like glasses, pins, and pendants, around you has already started.

You must have heard about Humane AI Pin. Do I need to say more?

Humane Ai Pin

I think the first big breakthrough in human-agent interaction will be earbuds. If your agent needs to check in with you, it will speak to you or show up on your phone. (“Your flight is delayed. Do you want to wait, or can I help rebook it?”)

Bill Gates on the future of AI agents

Sit tight, the future is unclear but for now -

At what altitude are you implementing AI?

*static noise*

We practice what we preach (learn). We’re not just talkers, we’re action-ers!

🔮 We’ve updated the AIverse collection to include the Altitude of AI as a filter.

Now depending on what level you want to implement the AI feature in your user experience, you can browse & filter through the 32* AI-UX interactions.

  • Browse through different examples of AI-UX interactions, at different altitudes of AI — aiverse.design

*is subject to change based on when you browse the website, haha!

🔮 The library just got diverse!! New AI-UX interactions have been added (Notion, Hey Pi, Google’s Duet AI, Humane) → your research time has been further reduced.

screenshot of the new AI-UX interactions added

Keep checking the website, updates coming in faster than I can click the publish button!

*static noise*

Is voice the new UI?

I recently read an interesting tweet from Scott Belsky, the founder of Behance.

tone of voice (and personality?) is the UI of natural language / AI-agent era

Scott Belsky

A question I was thinking about this weekend was, will UI even exist in the future? If yes, will personality-through-voice be another design niche?

Yeah, a life crisis bigger than my design career if you ask me…

Maybe yes, maybe no.

The tone of voice is the UI for vocal, one of the modalities of generative AI.

Visual is still one of the other modalities (way of experiencing gen-AI).

Any medium through which natural language (English) is shared between humans will be the “UI of the future”.

AI has hacked the Operating System of a human being - language.

Yuval Noah Harari

- a designer in the aiverse a.k.a mr. carrot-cake-in-a-cute-cafe lover

Wait wait, got time for some quick feedback? What did you think of this piece? Reply to this email to let me know, did you like this theory. What did you think of this newsletter?

P.S. As always, don’t forget to invite your other designer friends onboard the Voyager - we have a few empty window seats on this spaceship 😉

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